Hello, Readers! Family Game Fight is an anticipated American game show hosted by Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, in which two families compete against one other. Fans have grown to know Kristen and Dax from their various shows over the years, but in this new series, which also serves as their first TV endeavor together, their dynamic takes center stage.
This is the first time the husband-and-wife combo has collaborated on a television project. The couple’s antics on The Ellen Degeneres Show were the inspiration for the show.
In addition to Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, executive producers include Ellen DeGeneres, Mary Connelly, Andy Lassner, Derek Westervelt, Noah Bonnett, Dan Norris, Joel Van Rysselberghe, Jeff Kleeman, Mike Darnell, and Brooke Karzen.
A Very Good Production and Warner Bros. are collaborating on the series. Unscripted Television is a production of Warner Horizon and Telepictures in collaboration with Unscripted Television.
Family Game Fight: Release Date
The reality game show will launch on Sunday, August 8 at 10:30 p.m. ET, following the Olympics Closing Ceremony.
The broadcast network has commissioned ten episodes of the new comedy, which will star Bell and Shepard as presenters and adversaries. The show’s Special Premiere will air on August 8, and the regular season will begin on Wednesday, August 11th at 9 p.m.
It’s a game show hosted by Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard in which America’s funniest husband and wife fight for $100,000 in a series of outlandish games after being “adopted” into a family of four.
The cast of the show
Kristen Anne Bell works as a model and actress. She was born on July 18, 1980, in Huntington Woods, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. Dax Randall Shepard is a comedian, actor, writer, director, and host of a podcast. Highland Township is where he was born.