Fargo is a black comedy web series. It was released on 14 April 2014. The show is written and created by Noah Hawley. The genre of the show is an anthology, crime drama, and thriller. As of yet, it has released 3 super popular seasons and is set to release it’s 4th season as well. It was supposed to come out in April 2020, but because of the current pandemic situations, the release has been delayed for sometime soon. It was originally released on FX network. What is also very interesting is that every season starts with a line ‘This is a true story. The events depicted took place in Minnesota in [year]. At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred.’ It makes the whole show all the more exciting when it is based on real-life events. Fargo is also streaming on Netflix making it quite easily accessible.
It is a reality-based crime drama, set in Minnesota. It includes lots of thrilling moments and nail-biting events like homicides, extortion, criminals, murderers. Anyone who is a fan of thriller and suspense should definitely binge-watch on this one.
Well, the story is quite scintillating. Also, with every new season, a new cast is brought about. We can talk about some important and renowned names. Allison Tolman, Colin Hanks, Patrick Wilson, Ewan McGregor, etc to name a few. The upcoming season will have a newer cast and a new era to discover. The fans are looking forward to it.
Season 4 of the show is yet to release sometime in 2020, all the fans are looking forward to it and are super excited to view their favorite show. The new date has not yet been announced.