Created by Noah Hawley, Fargo is an American black comedy crime drama television series. It is based on the 1996 film of the same name, which was written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. Hawley and the Coen brothers are also the executive producers alongside Warren Littlefield, Adam Bernstein, Geyer Kosinski, John Cameron, and Leslie Cowan.
The series was first premiered on April 15, 2014, on FX followed by the second season on October 12, 2015, the third and fourth seasons on April 19, 2017, and September 27, 2020. In February 2022, the series was renewed for a fifth season which will release soon.
So, when is the fifth season released? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Keep reading to know further details.
Fargo Plot and Cast
Fargo Season 5 will be set in Minnesota but thin e year 2019. The plot will be dealing with a grave question ‘When is a kidnapping, not a kidnapping, and what if your wife isn’t yours?’ Intriguing much? Creator Noah Hawley opened up to Deadline, in May, about his intentions.
For the unversed, the series was created by Noah Hawley, the director, and the executive producer. This show is based on Joel and Ethan Coen’s written and directed film of the same name.
Apart from Coens, Warren Littlefield along with his The Littlefield Company, Kim Todd, Steve Stark of Toluca Pictures, and Vincent Landay executive produce the show. Also, Fargo is produced by MGM Television and FX Television. MGM is their official studio and is responsible for international distribution.
According to Variety, Jon Hamm, Juno Temple, and Jennifer Jason Leigh are decided to play the lead roles in season 5. Further details of their characters are still not disclosed apart from the name of their characters– Roy, Dot, and Lorraine respectively.
Fargo Season 5 Release Date
In February 2022, FX Entertainment President Eric Schrier announced to Deadline that the green light for season 5 had been given, and that creator Noah Hawley and producer Warren Littlefield were excited to continue crafting the hit crime series.
The release date for Fargo Season 5 has not been announced yet. Since development for the series has kicked off, we can assume that filming for Fargo season 5 will begin soon.
Fargo Season 5 Trailer
There is no trailer for Fargo season 5 just yet. For now, you can watch the trailer from season 4 below: