Hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr, “Finding Your Roots” is a documentary television series where celebrities are presented with a “book of life” that is compiled with information researched by professional genealogists that allow them to view their ancestral histories, learn about familial connections and discover secrets about their lineage that premiered on March 25, 2012.
The latest season of “Finding Your Roots” premiered on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 8 P.M ET on PBS.
For more than a decade, renowned Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has helped to expand America’s sense of itself, stimulating a national conversation about identity with humor, wisdom, and compassion. Professor Gates has explored the ancestry of dozens of influential people from diverse backgrounds, taking millions of viewers deep into the past to reveal the connections that bind us all.
Today’s most compelling personalities discover the surprising stories buried within their own families. Meet 20 fascinating new guests who are game-changers in their fields, with family histories that illustrate the power and diversity of the human experience.
How and where can I stream “Finding Your Roots 7”?
You can stream the show on PBS, and Amazon Prime Video!