Netflix original Fortune Feimster: Sweet & Salty is a stand-up comedy show! This show follows Fortune, who is a stand-up comedian. She is known for her raw, crass, and to the point punchlines. Her humor is described as erratic, hilarious, and entertaining. She is known for covering scandalous topics.
The Cast of the show
Her script comprises of accurate facts. She delivers not what the audience asks but what they secretly want. Her style of delivery is equally entertaining and unique. Fortune belongs to North Carolina and always dreamed of making it big in the entertainment industry. Her dream came true because of her unique style of covering topics
Hailing from a small town her outlook towards comedy and controversial topics was very staunch. She is described as unwavering, sarcastic and an absolutely fun-loving person. Comedy has been an essential part of Fortunes life. It has molded her to be the person she is now.
Release Date and Trailer for the show
The show released in January 2020 on the 21st. It has a run time of 60 minutes. The entire 60 minutes is an accumulation of Fortunes journey in the stand-up comedy industry. Along with that, it covers some of her latest stand-up comedy sets.
Since Fortune is known for being a great stand-up comedian. It would not be a surprise for her fans if Netflix renews her show for another season or part. Netflix always renews shows that gain instant popularity and hers is one of them! So all the stand-up comedy fans stay alert!
The plot of the show
This shoe covers Fortune doing a set on her childhood and teenager memories. She jokes about the struggles she had to face as an awkward teenager, the failures and successes she saw. How she grew out to be the person she is today. Along with this, she did crack jokes on certain controversial topics that aren’t socially accepted. But are enjoyed and accepted during stand-up comedies!
Electronics and communication engineer in the making, I’m a voracious reader and a passionate writer. I enjoy learning new skills and aim to enhance my skillset. I strive to achieve the best and firmly believe that every opportunity is a gateway to one’s personal success and development.