Fruitvale Station is a 2013 biographical drama written and directed by Ryan Coogler. The movie tells the story of Oscar Grant, an unarmed black man who was killed by a white police officer. The movie won the Audience Award for the U.S. dramatic film at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. The film was released in theatres on July 12, 2013.
Fruitvale Station stars Michael B. Jordan as Oscar Grant, Melonie Diaz as Sophina Mesa, Kevin Durand as Officer Caruso(inspired by Tony Pirone). Chad Michael Murray as Officer Ingram(inspired by Johannes Mehserle), Ahna O’Reilly Katie, and Octavia Spencer as Wanda Johnson also star in the movie.
Fruitvale Station is the story of Oscar Grant and his experiences on the last day of his life, New Year’s Eve, 2008. Grant is trying to be a better person. He is seen arguing with his girlfriend Sophina about infidelity. He also attends a birthday party for his mother, Wanda, and agrees to take the BART(Bay Area Rapid Transit) to see the fireworks. But Grant gets into a fight at the station with a former inmate. In the process, he is shot by Ingram in the back. He is rushed to the hospital but he dies during surgery.
This movie is very important right now because of the current situation in the U.S. The people of the nation are fighting for justice for George Floyd. He was a black man who was brutally killed by a white officer. This film is a great resource to learn from and here’s where you can watch it online:
Is the Fruitvale Station On Netflix?
The movie is not on Netflix yet. You can go to the film’s title page and request Netflix to notify you when it is added. All you have to do is click the ‘Remind Me’ button!
Where Else Is The Movie Currently Available?
Fruitvale Station is available for free on Tubi! Apart from that, you can pay and watch the movie on other platforms. The movie can be rented for $3.99 on YouTube, Google Play, Vudu, Prime Video, and iTunes. You can also buy the movie online for $7.99.
This film sends out a powerful message:”#blacklivesmatter” and that’s exactly why you should consider watching it!
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