Developed by Noah Pink, Ken Biller, and Suzan-Lori Parks, Genius is an American anthology period drama television series. It was first aired on National Geographic on April 25, 2017. It was based on the life of Albert Einstein.
Based on the life and artistry of Pablo Picasso, the second season was premiered on April 24, 2018, followed by the third season based on Aretha’s life released on March 21, 2021. In December 2020, the series was renewed for a fourth season, which will follow the life of Martin Luther King Jr and is set to release on Disney+.
So, when is the fourth season releasing? Who will be playing the lead roles? What is the plot? Continue reading to know more.
Genius Season 4 Release Date
The release date for Genius Season 4 is yet to be announced officially. Since the third season premiered in 2021, we can expect the fourth season towards the end of 2022.
The new season is expected to have eight or ten episodes like the first two seasons. The rest of the details are yet to be announced by the developers.
Genius Season 4 Plot and Cast
The National Geographic show Genius is coming to Disney+ for Season 4, giving a new audience the chance to learn about some of our most prominent historical figures. Deadline reported the network change-up in December 2020, which is also when the theme of the new season was announced.
Following in the footsteps of the series about Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, and Aretha Franklin, the fourth season will be dedicated to the genius of Martin Luther King Jr.
Not much is known about the new season yet, as the Aretha Franklin episodes are only just now wrapping up. King was actually briefly included in the Franklin season, played by Bloodline actor Ethan Henry. It’s unknown if the role will be recast for the King-focused series.
Since it is an anthology series, the cast members are expected to be different in the upcoming season. Further details related to the same would be confirmed in the next few months.
Genius Season 4 Trailer
The trailer for the fourth season has not been released yet. For now, you can watch the trailer of Season 3 below: