Created by Sarah Lampert, Ginny & Georgia is an American comedy-drama television series produced for Netflix. Lampert is also the executive producer alongside Debra J. Fisher, Anya Adams, Jeff Tahler, Jenny Daly, Dan March, Holly Hines, Lance Samuels, Daniel Iron, and Armand Leob.
The first season of the series premiered on February 24, 2021, and ran for two seasons till 2023. The first season of the series received generally decent feedback from critics and audiences and currently holds an approval rating of 68% on Rotten Tomatoes. The show has been already renewed for a third season.
So when is the upcoming season released? What is the plot? Who is playing the lead role? Continue reading to know further details.
Ginny & Georgia Season 3 Plot
The first season of Ginny & Georgia covered a lot of ground, but for every complication that was solved, another one swiftly appeared, leaving virtually all of the major players on precarious footing as the final credits rolled.
The show wrapped with Ginny and Austin fleeing Wellsbury on a motorbike. Georgia’s daughter had reached breaking point after the PI hired by Kenny’s ex-wife ambushed her at the Blue Farm Café and told her that her mum was a killer. He alerted Ginny to Georgia’s wolfsbane in the process, which she and her brother destroyed.
Ginny & Georgia Season 3 Release Date and Cast
Netflix renewed the series for a third and fourth season on May 17, 2023, but is yet to be confirmed the official release date of it. Since the series is renewed recently so, it is expected the new season will be released sometime in 2024.
The upcoming season is expected to have ten episodes like Season 1 and 2, although an official confirmation is still awaited. Further details related to the third season is expected to be out soon.
The majority of the cast members from Season 1 are expected to reprise their roles in Season 2. This includes Antonia Gentry, Brianne Howey, Diesel La Torraca, Sara Waisglass, Katie Douglas, Chelsea Clark, Felix Mallard, Mason Temple, Scott Porter, Raymond Ablack, Nikki Roumel, Jennifer Robertson, Sabrina Grdevich, Connor Laidman, Dan Beirne, and Alex Mallari Jr.
Where to watch Ginny & Georgia Season 3?
You can watch Ginny & Georgia Season 3 online on Netflix once it is released.
Ginny & Georgia Season 3 Trailer
The official trailer for the third season is not released yet. But you can watch the trailer from the second season below: