Based on the television film series of the same name, produced by Whizbang Films in association with ITV Studios and the Hallmark Channel, starring Catherine Bell, who also co-produced the series, “Good Witch” is an American-Canadian fantasy comedy-drama television series that follows the residents of a fictional town, Middleton, Cassie and her daughter Grace as they welcome Dr. Sam Radford and his son to town. Cassie and Grace share a gift of enchanted insight and magical intuition and first broadcast on February 28, 2015.
The latest season premiered on Sunday, May 16, 2021, at 9:00 P.M, on Hallmark.
Raising her daughter in a small town, an enchanting widow with magical powers provokes the interest and exasperation of a skeptical big-city doctor.
“The Party,” picked up right where last summer’s finale left off. Cassie (Catherine Bell), Joy (Kat Barrell), and Abigail (Sarah Power) found identical purple drawstring bags at the end of last season — but they had no idea who left them andwhy. Cassie’s bag was filled with dirt, but at that point, it was unclear what was tucked inside Joy and Abigail’s bags — if anything.
The Merriwick women spend a majority of the first episode of the season trying to figure out where the mysterious purple bags came from. It isn’t until the very end of the episode that they uncover a sliver of truth: As the women are pouring the contents of their bags on a table, they catch George (Peter MacNeil) staring right back at them. “I think it’s time we had a talk,” he says, leading viewers to believe that he’s the culprit.
Where can I watch “Good Witch”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Hallmark Channel, you can also watch the first five seasons on Netflix.