Created by Lucia Aniello, Paul W. Downs, and Jen Statsky, Hacks is an American comedy-drama streaming television series. the series centers on the professional relationship between a young comedy writer and a legendary stand-up comedy. Statsky, Downs, and Aniello also served as the show’s executive producers alongside Michael Schur, David Miner, and Morgan Sackett.
Hacks premiered on May 13, 2021, on HBO Max. The series received critical acclaim and won accolades including Primetime Emmy Awards. Followed by, In June 2021, the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on May 12, 2022. In June 2022, the series was renewed for a third season.
So, when is the third season released? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Hacks Season 3 Plot
When Hacks season three returns, there’s a lot that still needs answering, as well as whatever is developed over the new batch of episodes. Deborah is reveling in the success of her comedy special, in which she risked everything by self-financing and doing it off her own back.
Thankfully, it paid off, and after a streaming service snapped it up, her career has been given a whole new lease of life. However, after seeing how Ava was holding herself back from working with her, Deborah was cruel to be kind and fired her, wanting her to seize the career she wanted and deserved.
Hacks Season 3 Release Date and Cast
The second season of the show was aired on June 2, 2022, and the show was officially renewed for a new season in a few days back. The potential launch date has yet to be announced because the show has been officially confirmed by the network. However, if we have to guess when the series will be released, it will most likely be in early to mid-2023.
The entire ensemble cast is due to come back for the next season, with Jean Smart leading the charge and Hannah Einbinder not too far behind as comedy writer and eternally frustrated companion Ava Daniels. The new cast members include Kaitlin Olson as DJ, Paul W Downs as Jimmy, Megan Stalter as Kayla, Carl Clemons-Hopkins as Marcus, Christopher McDonald as Marty, and Rose Abdoo as Josefina.
Where To Watch Hacks Season 3?
The previous seasons of the show were aired on HBO Max. The platform will remain the same for the upcoming season.
Hacks Season 3 Trailer
There is no trailer available for the third season so far. Meanwhile, check out the trailer of Hacks Season 2 below: