Debuted on 3rd Feb 2019 on Amazon Prime, this action thriller is the story of Hanna, who is an extraordinary girl who has been raised in the forest by evading the relentless pursuit of an off-the-book CIA agent. It is also based on the 2011 film of the same name. Directed by Sarah Adina Smith and created by David Farr, Hanna received a lot of praise from everyone for the direction, performances of the cast and story. Now the fans who have been curious about Season 2 can finally rejoice.
Release Date
Amazon had renewed “Hanna” for a second season in April, last year.”Hanna” Season 2 is coming to Amazon Prime Video on July 2, 2020. A 30-second teaser trailer for the upcoming eight-episode sophomore season was released by Amazon. But this trailer doesn’t obviously go into details of the plot, but it does vouch for the certainty of the season’s fast-approaching release date. This Season is written by David Farr, Paul Waters, Laura Lomas, Nina Segal, and Charlotte Hamblin and would hopefully please the fans with it’s highly entertaining and binge-worthy Hollywood content, during ongoing production hiatus of the same.
Hanna Season 2 will be starring Esme Creed-Miles as Hanna, Yasmin Monet Prince as trainee 249, Mireille Enos as Marissa, and Sophie as Rhianne Barreto. These stars basically reprise their roles from the first season. The new cast members of who will feature in Season 2 are Anthony Welsh, Severine Howell-Meri, Dermot Mulroney, and Cherelle Skeete.
As mentioned earlier, this series focuses on an extraordinary 15-year-old girl Hanna, who resides with her father Erik. Earlier, Hanna’s father appointed pregnant women into a CIA program whose aim was to develop super-soldiers from the DNA of children. Now, Erik starts loving Johanna, Hanna’s mother. Then he rescues baby Hanna, and they escape.
The CIA ordered Marissa to kill all the babies. After this, Erik, and Hanna appear to the attention of Marissa. Marissa agrees to hunt them down. We are hoping to see more related to Hanna’s sisters and their course as trainees within the program, in Season 2. Also, about Marissa’s future.
For more updates, stay tuned.