Directed by Yeon Sang-ho, Hellbound is a South Korean dark fantasy streaming television series. The show is based on his own webtoon of the same name. Byin Seung-min is also the executive producer of the show. In an original Netflix release set in the then-future year of 2022, supernatural beings suddenly appear out of nowhere to condemn people to Hell.
The first season premiered on Netflix on November 19, 2021, and became the world’s most-watched Netflix series the next day. Critics were positive of the show, but also cognizant that it followed in the footsteps of Squid Game. On September 24, 2022, Netflix confirmed a second season.
So, when is the second season released? What is the plot? Who has been cast in the lead roles? Keep reading to know more.
Hellbound Plot and Cast
While there’s no information out there, we can’t say for certain, but the ending of season 1 has provided some potent clues. Spoilers, obviously – in the last episode, New Truth’s grip on society is challenged due to one of their number, Yoo-ji, being arrested on live television for beating a naysayer.
Meanwhile, Bae and Song So-hyun, his wife, sacrifice themselves so their child can live. This contradicts New Truth’s doctrine that anyone deigned a sinner will perish, no ifs, and, or buts.
These two events sow seeds of doubt in the general populace of the show, who might now finally turn against New Truth’s regime, and plant the idea with us that eventually, people will see that the cult doesn’t have any real control at all.
A second season is likely to carry these threads forward. It might use the same characters, or it might switch perspectives to deepen this alternate version of our universe where gods and monsters exist. Coming to the cast, includes Yoo Ah-in as Jeong Jin-soo, Park Sang-hoon as young Jeong Jin-soo, Kim Hyun-Joo as Min Hyejin, Park Jeong-min as Bae Young-Jae, Won Jin-ah as Song So-Hyun, and many more.
Hellbound Season 2 Release Date
Netflix and the makers of the show are keeping their lips shielded and do not reveal much about the upcoming season. However, it is sure that the show is coming for a second season as the developers have announced the official confirmation on September 24, 2022.
The episode numbers and other details are also not disclosed yet, however, we can expect the upcoming season to consist of the same number of episodes as the previous season.
Hellbound Season 2 Trailer
No, the official trailer for the upcoming season has not arrived yet since the show is still in the pre-production stage. Until then, watch out for the trailer of the previous season below: