The Blacklist is an American thriller drama that debuted on NBC network on 23 September 2013, created by Jon Bokenkamp. The series is now streaming on Netflix, all seven seasons, and it is one of the popular and successful series on the Peacock Network. The Blacklist has been proven hit with audiences and critics alike worldwide, the stellar cast which includes James Spader, Megan Boone, Diego Klattenholf, Harry Lennix, and Hisham Tawifq, gave a fantastic performance in the series. With an amazing and outstanding finale of season seven of The Blacklist, here are some interesting behind-the-scenes facts of the series which the fans would love to know.
Megan Boone was the first to get cast on the show. Amazing, isn’t it? The executive producer of the series, John Eisendrath told in an interview.
The first-ever scene of Megan Boone on the series was with James Spader was where she stabbed him in the neck. Boone said in an interview that it was an incredible day to shoot the pilot with an amazing co-star, James Spader.
James Spader wasn’t cast until three days before pilot was filmed. Before approaching to Spader, the executive producer John offered the role to Bryan Cranston, Pierce Brosnan, Richard Gere, and Kiefer Sutherland. Three days before the production of the pilot, Spader agreed to join the cast.
The iconic Fedora signature look of Reddington in the series was the idea of James Spader, which made the character all more classic.
The shaved hair look of a one-time criminal, Reddington was also proposed by James Spader.
Megan Boone wears a wig on the set, which she said gives a more naive and young look to her character.
The showrunners didn’t have any idea about who Diego Klattenholf was. Even though, Klattenholf had a major role in Homeland.
Netflix paid $2 million per episode for the streaming of season two of The Blacklist. It was reported in 2014, that Netflix paid a huge sum to the NBC network for streaming rights.
Megan Boone did a lot of physical training for her character as she participates a lot physically. From kaomagma and weight lifting, which is keeping her in the best shape.
The producers of The Blacklist weren’t in the state to pull off a stunt without animation. The animation concluded the seventh season of the series and had the largest action sequence of the series. Also, the animated episode of season seven allowed the return of late Brian’s Dom. When Brian passed away in April 2020, fans were disappointed about the abrupt end of Dom’s story, but season seven made sure that Dominic a.k.a Dom’s story to conclude.
That’s all, folks! Watch the series to make your time at home while social distancing from the outer world, an enjoyable experience in an iconic and thrilling world of Spader’s Reddington.