How the Universe Works is a documentary science television series. Originally airing on the Discovery Channel in 2010. The first and third through eighth seasons has Mike Rowe as its host. The second season and episodes of the fifth and sixth seasons were narrated by Erik Todd Dellums. The show is now back with a new season revealing mysteries of the cosmos. Here is what you need to know about Season 9 of How the Universe Works!
What is How the Universe Works is about?
How the Universe Works is generally a user guide to our cosmos. It takes us through the various phenomena including the big band, galaxies, stars, planets, etc. We, as humans often question the universe’s creation. How was the Universe Created? How does it work? This show makes use of global experts from organizations such as NASA and CERN to help us understand these workings while making use of CGI to demonstrate the phenomena as well.
In this season of How the Universe Works, as we head towards the Black Hole, we will even be exploring galaxies’ hostility. Each galaxy is violent, Milky Way being one of the most prominent ones. The bigger the galaxy, the stronger it is, thus swallowing up the smaller galaxies. As we focus on our own solar system, the Sun sits at the heart of it. This season, we will discover much more about the Sun as the experts from NASA seek to understand it by making use of a special fleet of spacecraft. These space crafts will help the experts at NASA to have a closer look at the Sun as they travel through the Sun’s blazing atmosphere.
When is How the Universe Works season 9 releasing?
After the success of 8 long seasons diving into the secrets of the Universe. The makers are now ready to release season 9 of How the Universe Works. The show will release on 24th March 2021 on Science.