Created by Lucy Prebble and Billie Piper, I Hate Suzie is a dark comedy drama series produced by Bad Wolf in association with Sky Studios. Lucy is also the showrunner and writer alongside Georgi Banks-Davies and Anthony Neilson directing the episodes.
The first season premiered on Sky Atlantic and NOW TV on August 27, 2020 and debuted on HBO Max on November 19 the same year. Following the positive response towards the first season, the makers renewed it for a second season on February 19, 2021.
So when will the second season release? What is the plot? Who will play the lead roles? Keep reading to know further details.
I Hate Suzie Plot and Cast
The upcoming season will continue from where the first season ended since the lead character, Suzie’s story remained incomplete. Season 1 left a lot of loose threads and potential avenues for another season following the departure of Suzie’s manager and best friend Naomi.
I Hate Suzie Season 2 will probably deal will some of the fall out of Naomi’s departure and her divorce along with her pregnancy. However, everything will be unveiled once the second season begins streaming. The first season had eight episodes and the second season is expected to have the same number of episodes.
The second season of I Hate Suzie will see the return of Billie Piper as Suzie Pickles, Leila Farzad as Naomi Jones, Daniel Ings as Cob Betterton, Nathaniel Martello-White as Carter Vaughan and Matthew Jordan-Caws as Frank.
I Hate Suzie Season 2 Release Date
I Hate Suzie was renewed for a second season back in 2021 and its been a long time. Meanwhile, the makers have already confirmed that the second season will premiere sometime in 2022.
The new season is expected to consist of eight episodes like the first season. The series is produced by Bad Wolf and Sky Studios and is distributed by NBCUniversal Television Distribution.
I Hate Suzie Season 2 Trailer
The developers have not released a trailer for I Hate Suzie Season 2 so far. Until then, you can check the trailer of Season 1 below: