Impossible Engineering is an educational science show by the Discovery Network. It has been featuring on the Science Channel since April 13, 2015 and involves broadcasters around the world, showing beautifully engineering landmarks. Will there be another season? What can we expect to see? Is it worth watching? Read more to find out!
Impossible Engineering: Plot and Cast
Impossible Engineering is focused on all the engineering achievements we see and admire today. It presents a modern day structure in each episode and discusses how it was made. Many of the episodes feature 3D graphics and footage from the scenes and delve into historical segments for viewers. They discuss the engineering minds it took to create the structures and bring light to the dimensions and other record details about the structures.
Impossible Engineering has two spinoffs named Impossible Engineering: Extreme Railroadsand Impossible Railways, both of which are also highly lauded.
So far, some of the structures shown on the show have been London’s Super Sewer, European supertankers, and the Qinghai-Tiber Railway. Many of the sites are in the United Kingdom, as the show is mostly recorded by British studios. Some of the highly rated episodes show the US Army’s Super Tank, New York City’s Monster Train and The World’s Tallest Rollercoaster.
Mike Bratton, who has also appeared in Skid Row and Heroes of Cosplay, is the narrator for all of the episodes. Rhys Morgan, an engineer, appears sometimes to offer his opinion. Other guests who frequently make appearances are mechanical engineer Daniel Dickrell, physicist Andrew Steele, and science communicator KateMulcahy.
Impossible Engineering Season 9: Release Date
Impossible Engineering has had a total of eight seasons and 68 episodes so far, which are each an hour long. So far, it has not been renewed for a ninth season by Discovery. However, we still look forward to finding out the secrets behind some more fascinating structures in the world.