Created by Rolin Jones, Interview with the Vampire is a gothic horror vampire TV series based on Anne Rice’s infamous novel of 1976 that had the same title. Rice’s novel and thus, the series follows journalist Daniel Molly’s narration of an admiration story of Louis de Pointe du Lac, Lestat de Lioncourt, and Claudia that incorporates, apart from love, blood and cons of immortality.
The executive producers of the series include Jones, Mark Johnson, Anne Rice, Christopher Rice, and Alan Taylor. Keep reading to know more about the upcoming gothic series.
So, when the brand-new show is releasing? What is the plot? Who has been cast in the lead roles? Keep reading to know further details.
Interview with the Vampire Plot and Cast
The tale of Interview with the Vampire is that of three vampires, namely, Lestat de Lioncourt, Louis de Pointe du Lac, and Claudia. Being overwhelmed with the limitations a black man faces during his lifespan in New Orleans during the 1900s, Louis cannot possibly refuse Lester’s irresistible offer to become immortal by turning into a vampire. Done with that, Louis’ newly acquired powers came with a brutal price. Along with that, there is Lestat’s latest fledgling Claudia, a child vampire. The three thereafter set off on a decades-long journey of atonement and revenge.
The cast of Interview with the Vampire includes Sam Reid as Lestat de Lioncourt, Jacob Anderson as Louis, Bailey Bass as Claudia, Eric Bogosian as Daniel Molloy, Assad Zaman as Rashid, Steven Norfleet as Paul, Kalyne Coleman as Grace, Rae Dawn Chong as Florence, Jeff Pope as Finn O’shea, Chris Stack as Thomas “Tom” Anderson, Rachel Handler as Peg-Leg Doris, John Dimaggio as Alderman Fenwick, Dana Gourrier as Bricktop Williams, Christian Robinson as Levi Freniere, and Maura Grace Athari as Antoinette.
Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Release Date
The latest season of Interview with the Vampire aired on October 2, 2022, on AMC and AMC+. The makers have also confirmed the second season of the show, however, they have not revealed any specific release date for the upcoming season.
The show has been produced by Gran Via Productions, Dwight Street Book Club, and AMC Studios and distributed by AMC Networks.
Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Trailer
Unfortunately, there is no trailer available for the second season yet. Until it comes out, watch out the trailer for the previous season below: