Bojack Horseman is an American adult animated series created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg, starring the voices of Will Arnett, Amy Sedaris, Alison Brie, Paul F Tompkins, and Aaron Paul. The series follows the story set in Los Angeles about an anthropomorphic horse named Bojack Horseman, star of 90s sitcom who plans to return as a celebrity with an autobiography written by a ghostwriter Diane. It is undoubtedly the best-animated TV series that gained popularity and respect worldwide. Critics were doubtful about the show, when it debuted, but soon after the positive responses from fans all over the world, they found themselves on the same page.
Bojack Horseman premiered on Netflix on 22 August 2014, and the final season was released on 31st January 2020, with a total of six seasons and 77 episodes. A Christmas special of the series was also released on 19 December 2014.
The show is appreciated worldwide for its take on depression, trauma, addiction, racism, sexism, self-destructive behavior, sexuality, and the human condition.
After the sixth season, fans were curious if there will be another season of Bojack Horseman. But here’s a piece of bad news for all fans out there that Netflix hasn’t renewed the series for another season, and announced that the sixth season was the final season of Bojack Horseman.
Netflix decided not to renew for another season because the sixth season was quite a concluding season that ended on a good note. The 16th episode of the final season is the ultimate end of the series, Bojack Horseman. The creator, Raphael wanted the show to go on for years but it was Netflix that decided the sixth season is a good end to the series. Disappointing, right? But you can always re-watch your favorite series on Netflix to make your day better.
For people who haven’t watched Bojack Horseman yet then you’re missing out on a great show! Make your time at home better with Bojack and his friends only on Netflix.