Messiah is an American thriller web series created by Michael Petroni, and was aired on Netflix on 1 January 2020 consisting of 10 episodes. The storyline of the series follows the lives of a man called Isa, who suddenly appears in the Middle East. His sudden arrival and miracles are the big talk of the town within some time, like a wildfire, and he soon became popular. People started worshiping him and called him Jesus and his followers grew in no time. Isa’s miracles were pleasing the locals whereas the CIA was concerned about his identity and an officer was appointed to investigate the case of this Messiah. The viewers found the plot very intriguing.
Release Date
Netflix’s original Messiah might make a comeback for another season. But soon after the release of season one, Netflix cancelled the show on 26 March 2020 because it received highly critical remarks, and till now it has remained cancel. There is no official release date for the next season of Messiah.
If Messiah makes a comeback for season two, then the major cast will return which include Monaghan as Eva Geller, Mehdi Dehbi as Al-Masih, Tomer Sislay as Aviram Dahan, John Ortiz as Felix Igvero, Melinda Page Hamilton as Anna Igueri, Sam Taylor Young as Adam Young,
Stefanie Lavie Owen as Rebecca Iguero, and others. We might even see some new characters in the next season, if that happens.
The plot for the upcoming season will pick up from the season one final episode, where Eva scrambles to thwart the plan to silence Al-Masih, which caused dismay among his followers. In the next season, we will deep dive into Al Masih’s power and mystery, his true identity will also reveal, and it will be fascinating to see if he uses his followers for good or some evil purpose.
Season two will definitely be exciting and interesting as a lot of mysteries will unfold, and hopefully Netflix will renew the series for another season as the fans are eager to know more about the mysterious Al-Masih.