Before the finale of the longest-running Marvel TV series, ‘Agent of Shields’, there will be a crossover with the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the one last time. The series co-creator, Jed Whedon said in an interview, when asked if the series will bump into Marvel Universe, he said they are going to bump into something, but he didn’t reveal any exact information.
When the series was premiered in the year 2013, it was told to the fans that it will be heavily tied to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Phil Coulson was brought back from death in Avengers, and the first season was in a way connected to Captain America. Also, it is approaching to its end the fans are curious about the crossover between the two.
But as the series progressed, the connection with MCU kept on decreasing. However, there was an attempt to make a connection with Avengers: Infinity War, and Thanos, but it doesn’t quite fit to the storyline and fans end up questioning if Agents of Shield is set into a different universe. Clark Gregg believes it is for the good that the series didn’t have any tie-ins with MCU as it get to explore variety of plotlines, but fans are hopeful for a crossover which is likely possible with time-travel and much more adventures in the upcoming seventh and final season of Agent of Shields.
The creators, Whedon, Loeb and Bell teased the fans with MCU crossover but didn’t offer any further details about how season seven will be linked to Marvel Universe. However, season seven will see new possibilities and adventures with time-travelling mission of Agent Coulson and his team.
Agent of Shields airs on ABC Network every Wednesdays at 10pm. Don’t forget to catch up on the final season!