It’s ALways Sunny in Philadelphia is a sitcom television series which first aired on FX, and now airs on its sister channel, FXX. The sitcom premiered on FX on August 4, 2005. The first eight seasons aired on FX, and the ninth season of the series premiered on FXX on September 4, 2013. Rob McElhenney has developed the series along with Glenn Howerton. The comedy series is produced by FX Productions, 3 Arts Entertainment and RCG Entertainment. Fourteen seasons of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia have aired so far, and the series was renewed for season 15 in May 2020.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia follows the story of “The Gang”, a group of five misfit friends: twins Dennis and Deandra “Sweet Dee” Reynolds, their friends Charlie Kelly and Ronald “Mac” McDonald, and Frank Reynolds, Dennis’ and Dee’s legal father. The Gang runs the fictional Paddy’s Pub, an unsuccessful Irish bar in South Philadelphia.
With its renewal for a fifteenth season, the series has now become the longest-running live-action comedy series in American television history. Read on to find out more about season 15 of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Cast of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 15
The series revolves around five central characters, four of which have been in the series since the first season. All of the five main characters will be returning for the fifteenth outing of the popular comedy series. This includes Charlie Day as Charlie Kelly, former co-owner of Paddy’s Pub, a childhood friend of Mac, and high school friend of Dennis and Dee; Glenn Howerton as Dennis Reynolds, co-owner of Paddy’s Pub and Dee’s twin brother; Rob McElhenney as Ronald “Mac” McDonald, another co-owner of Paddy’s Pub; Kaitlin Olson as Deandra “Sweet Dee” Reynolds, Dennis’s twin sister, and waitress at Paddy’s Pub; and Danny DeVito (from season 2 onwards) as Frank Reynolds, the legal father of Dennis and Dee, and maybe the biological father of Charlie.
Release Date of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 15
Writing on the 15th season had already begun in April 2020, as was confirmed by series co-creator Rob McElhenney. The 13th and 14th seasons of the series both premiered in the month of September, in 2018 and 2019, respectively. However, owing to the coronavirus pandemic, the sitcom has not returned to television for its 15th season. There has been no official announcement about a premiere date for season 15 of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It is most likely to premiere some time in 2021.
Until that happens, you can watch the trailer of the fourteenth season right here.