Created by Carlton Cuse and Graham Roland, Jack Ryan is a political action thriller series, based on the characters from the fictional Ryanverse created by Tom Clancy. Cuse and Roland are also the executive producers alongside Daniel Sackheim, Morten Tyldum, Michael Bay, Brad Fuller, Andrew Form, John Krasinski, Tom Clancy, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Marcy Ross, and Mace Neufeld.
The first season of the show premiered on August 31, 2018, followed by the second on October 31, 2019. Both the seasons received positive reviews from critics and audience, and Amazon has already renewed the series for a third season.
So, when is the third season releasing? What is the plot? Who would return to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Jack Ryan Plot and Cast
Deadline reported that Ryan is a fugitive on Season 3 and on the run from the CIA and an international rogue faction after being swept up in a conspiracy. He is trying to stay alive and stop the nefarious forces at work against him and the common good.
The makers have not revealed much about the plot of Season 3 and there have been no further reports about the progress in filming and any other details. Hopefully, everything should get revealed in the next few months. All we can do is wait until then.
Now coming to the cast, we will surely get to see John Krasinski in the lead role as Dr. Jack Ryan. The rest of the cast expected to return include Wendell Pierce, Betty Gabriel, James Cosmo, Peter Guinness, Nina Hoss, Alexei Mavelov and Michael Pena.
Jack Ryan Season 3 Release Date
Jack Ryan was renewed for a third season in April 2019, which was before the release of second season. However, the new season has been postponed because of the pandemic in 2020. The developers have confirmed that the third season will premiere on 21 December, 2022.
The upcoming season is expected to have eight episodes like the first two seasons. However, the makers are yet to give an official confirmation on the same.
Jack Ryan Season 3 Trailer
The trailer for Jack Ryan Season 3 has been already released. Check it below: