Created by Daniel Goldfarb, Julia is an American television series. It is based on the life of television chef Julia Child. Daniel Goldfarb also served as executive producer of the show along with Christopher Keyser.
The show’s first season premiered on HBO Max on March 31, 2022. Followed by, in May 2022, the series was renewed for a second season.
So, when is the second season releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Julia Season 2 Release Date
While Keyser does not have an exact air date for Season 2, he says that HBO Max desires the new season would run roughly on the same cycle as the first season. So, we can expect it to be sometime in the spring of 2023.
The upcoming season will consist of eight episodes, though, an official confirmation is awaited. Season 1 of Julia has a total of eight episodes.
Julia Plot and Cast
The series is inspired by Julia Child’s remarkable life and her long-running television series, The French Chef. Through Julia’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history—the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity, and America’s cultural evolution.
“There will be a lot of delectable recipes,” Goldfarb promises. “We will continue with Christine Tobin, our incredible food stylist. Beautiful food and the joy of cooking will always be one of the ingredients that are the recipe for the show. We are going to start the season in France, so that’s going to be a little bit different.
We’re going to get to spend some time with Julia and her friend and writing partner Simca Beck (Isabella Rossellini) on Mastering the Art of French Cooking Part Two. That’s going to add some new colors and flavors to the show, and they are going to make the second season of The French Chef.”
The Julia Season 2 cast includes Sarah Lancashire, David Hyde Pierce, Bebe Neuwirth, Fiona Glascott, and Brittany Bradford. Also “There will be a whole bunch of new people,” says Keyser. “When Julia and Paul go to France, we meet Simcha’s husband, Jean, and several other people in France, as well as in the United States. There will be new people at WGBH coming in who slightly change the nature of the work environment.”
Julia Season 2 Trailer
The trailer for Julia Season 2 has not been released yet. For now, you can watch the trailer for Season 1 below: