Directed by Seiji Kishi, Kengan Ashura is a Japanese manga series which is written by Yabako Sandrovich and illustrated by Daromeon. It was serialized on Shogakukan’s Ura Sunday website from April 2012 to August 2018, with its chapters compiled into twenty-seven tankōbon volumes.
The series debuted on July 31, 2019, with 24 episodes. The makers have renewed the series for a second season which will be released soon.
So, when will be the second season released? What is the plot? Who will be in the cast? Keep reading to know more.
Kengan Ashura Season 2 Release Date
The makers have renewed the series for a second season and also confirm that the new season will be released in September 2023. But a specific release date is yet to confirm.
The first season of the series was released on July 31, 2019. It is also confirmed that the new season will also release on Netflix as the first season.
Kengan Ashura Season 2 Plot and Cast
The makers have not shared anything regarding the plot of Kengan Ashura Season 2 but it is confirmed that the new season will continue from where the first season ended.
The cast of Kengan Ashura Season 2 includes Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Japanese) and Kaiji Tang (English) voicing the character Ohma Tokita, Chō (Japanese) and Keith Silverstein (English) voicing the character of Kazuo Yamashita, Jouji Nakata (Japanese) and Michael C. Pizzuto (English) voicing the character of Hideki Nogi, Yumi Uchiyama (Japanese) and Erika Harlacher (English) voicing the character of Kaede Akiyama and many more are there.
Kengan Ashura Season 2 Trailer
The official trailer of Kengan Ashura Season 2 is yet to be released since the makers have not confirmed its release date of it. Until the trailer for the new season comes out you can watch the trailer from the first season below: