Created by Hanno Hackfort, Richard Kropf, and Bob Konrad, Kleo is a German action-thriller television series developed for Netflix. The basic premise of the show focuses on the revenge journey of a former East German Stasi assassin, Kleo Straub.
The show has been executively produced by Hanno Hackfort, Richard Kropf, Bob Konrad, Elena Senft, Michael Souvignier, and Till Derenbach. The first season debuted in 2022, and later on, it got renewed for a second season. The upcoming season is soon coming on Netflix.
So, when the second season is releasing? What is the storyline? Who has been cast in the lead roles? Keep reading the article to know further details.
Kleo Plot and Cast
The premise of the show focuses on Kleo, who is the protagonist of the show. In 1987, East German Stasi assassin Kleo Straub has been falsely imprisoned by her agency after successfully assassinating a double agent in a West Berlin club.
As of now, there are no details available regarding the storyline of the upcoming season since it has recently got confirmed. However, we can expect that to pick up the story from where it left off in Kleo Season 1.
Coming to the expected cast members, it includes Jella Haase as Kleo Straub, Dimitrij Schaad as Sven Petzold, Julius Feldmeier as Thilo, Vincent Redetzki as Uwe Mittig, Vladimir Burlakov as Andi Wolf, Marta Sroka as Anja, Jürgen Heinrich as Otto Straub, Alessija Lause as Anne Geike, Steffi Kühnert as Margot Honecker, Thandi Sebe as Jenny Schneider, Taner Sahintürk as Frederick, Yun Huang as Min Sun, Zethphan Smith-Gneist as Mark Petzold, and many more are there.
Kleo Season 2 Release Date
The first season of the show was released on Netflix on 19 August 2022 and was renewed for a second season on 29 September 2022. However, the makers have not unveiled the release date so far.
The episode number and the run time of each episode are not disclosed yet. The show has been produced for Candy Shop, Productions, and Zeitsprung Pictures.
Kleo Season 2 Trailer
Unfortunately, there is no trailer available for the second season, since the release date is yet to be confirmed. For now, you can watch the trailer for season 1: