Alexa and Katie is an American comedy sitcom created by Heather Wordham for Netflix’s original series. The first season of the series was premiered on 23 March 2018 with 13 episodes. The series follows the journey of lifelong best friends Alexa and Katie who have just graduated from middle school, but when Alexa was diagnosed with cancer that’s when the crisis began. In a time like that Katie becomes Alexa’s backbone and together they navigate through high school and survive the process.
Release Date
After three successful seasons, Alexa and Katie are set to return with a brand-new season. The third season of the series has two parts, and the first part was received well by the audience and critics, the second part of the series are not yet released as the production is halted due to the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19, but it is anticipated that it will be out by June or July 2020. With the good reviews of the first part of season three, the creators decided to go for another season i.e, season four with the renewal from Netflix. There’s no official announcement about the release date of the fourth season, but we can expect it to release in mid-2021.
The major cast will reprise their respective roles which include, Aris Berelc as Alexa, Isabel May as Katie, Jolie Jenkins as Jennifer, Emery Kelly as Lucas, Eddie Shin as Dave, Finn Car as Jack, Tiffani Thenisan as Lori, and Jack Griffo as Dylan. Besides the major cast, we can expect to see Iman Benson, Ricky Garcia, Kerri Medders, Scott Wortham, Constance Marie, and Nadja Alaya in the upcoming season.
Alexa & Katie
The plot of season four is quite difficult to anticipate as the second part of the third season is still due. The creators didn’t reveal any information regarding the next season or the next part of the third season. But it is certain that the next season will see the high school drama faced by Alexa and Katie, and how Katie will be supportive of Alexa in her treatment of cancer.