Legacies 3 is an American fantasy drama series. It stars Daniel Rose Russell as the main lead Hope Mikaelson who holds supernatural powers. Created by Julie Plec. Executive producers are Julie Plec, Brett Mathhews, Leslie Morganstein, Gina Girolamo. Cinematographers include Michael Karasick, Darren Genet, John Smith, Datan Hopson, Rob C. Givens. Edited by Tony Solomons and Evan J. Warner. Production Companies for the series are My So-called Company, Alloy Entertainment, CBS Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television. Warner Bros. Television also worked as the distributor.
The show is a spin-off of The Originals. The show consists of characters from both The originals and its predecessor The Vampire Diaries.
What is the show all about? When is it going to come out! Is it worth watching? Well, you gotta read to find out more. All your questions will surely get answered.
Legacies 3: Plot and Cast!
Daniel Ezra as Hope Mikaelson, a 17-year-old orphan. She is the descendant of one of the most powerful vampire, werewolf, and witch bloodline through her parents Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. She is an original character from the series The Originals.
The characters of these series are a continuation from both its spin-off and predecessor, The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. Hope is a student of the prestigious Salvatore School, an institution for students possessing special powers. Kaylee Bryant as Josie Saltzman who is a witch and also a student at the Salvatore. Landon Kirby played by Aria Shahghasemi who happens to be the love interest of Hope and a fellow student at the Salvatore, she was first introduced in The Vampire Diaries. Jenny Boyd as Lizzie Saltzman who is a also witch. Her character is a continuation of The Vampire Diaries as well. Quincy Fouse as Milton Greasley. Peyton Alex Smith as Rafael Waithe and Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman.
Legacies 3: Upcoming Season and Trailer!
The latest season is set to air on January 21, 2021.