Lost Ollie is a live-action/animated miniseries that has been adapted by the Emmy Award winner Shannon Tindle, and directed by Peter Ramsay, the man in fame for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The executive producers of the limited series are Shawn Levy, Josh Barry, and Emily Morris, the producers of Stranger Things, along with Shannon Tindle, Peter Ramsay, Lampton Enochs, and the Oscar awardee Brandon Oldenburg. Such is the crew of Lost Ollie. Stay tuned and keep reading to know more about the miniseries.
Lost Ollie: Plot and Cast
Lost Ollie is an adaptation of Ollie’s Odyssey, a children’s book by William Joyce, the infamous author and illustrator. The adapted television miniseries revolves around a lost stuffed toy named Ollie, who battles away all the hurdles of childhood during his search for Billy, the child who lost Ollie, in order to reunite with him. In his quest, Ollie travels across the countryside and meets on his way with Rosy and Zozo. Rosy is a teddy bear, a fierce warrior of a kind, who owns each of its parts to the parts of other toys with which it has been stitched and built. Zozo is an old clown toy doll with an older-than-age soul who is always on its toe to provide Ollie with great advice. These two join Ollie in his mission and help him to their level best to reunite the two best friends. Lost Ollie is a tale of rather more than just a lost toy. It’s about a lost best friend of a child, who considered his toy as nothing less than a confidant in blood and flesh.
The cast of Lost Ollie includes Jonathan Groff as Ollie, Mary J. Blige as Rosy, Tim Blake Nelson as Zozo, Gina Rodriguez as Momma, Jake Johnson as Daddy, and Kesler Talbot as Billy.
Lost Ollie: Release Date
Lost Ollie will release on August 24, 2022, on Netflix. The limited-series show will comprise four episodes, all of which will be launched at once on the day of release.
Lost Ollie: Trailer
Check out the official trailer of Lost Ollie by clicking the tab below: