Love Alarm, the South Korean drama television series that is based on the Daum webtoon of the same name that has been presented by Chon Kye-young. The series had been premiered on Netflix on August 22, 2019. It was a commercial success and also ended up ranking as one of Netflix’s top releases in 2019. It was renewed for a second season on the 29th of October, 2019. It revolves around a student ho found her love on a social site that was related to love. The story is focused on Kim and her love interests, being Hwang and lee.
It is a beautiful story of disruptive technology that enables its users to discover their love by an application that has a system of notifying the person of a person within the 10 km radius who has some romantic feels for the other.
Release Date
In the year 2019, the series was renewed for its second season, and then its second update came out this year in the month of February which was related to its first script reading. As of now, we don’t have a release date but it is assumed for it to be released in the coming year.
Love Alarm Season 2 Cast
Main cast members of the first season of the series of Love Alarm will reprise their characters for its second season as well, such as Song Kang playing the role of Hwang Sun-oh Jung Ga-Ram as Lee Hye-Yeong, and Kim So-Hyun as Kim Jo-jo.
Hwang Sun-oh and lee Hye-Yeong have been good friends since their childhood. they Both enroll themselves in a program known as “love Alarm” in a quest of love. A woman called Kim Jo-jo also has joined the program but the two friends fall in love with her and hence that is how the disputes began.