Created by Tim Miller, Love, Death & Robots is an adult animated anthology streaming television series. The executive producers of the show are David Fincher, Tim Miller, Jennifer Miller, and Joshua Donen.
The first season of the series premiered on March 15, 2019, with eighteen episodes. The show has received a positive response from critics and currently holds a 77% of approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Followed by two more seasons have come on May 14, 2021, and May 20, 2022. In August 2022, Netflix confirmed that the show is coming for a new season.
So, when the fourth season is releasing? What is the plot? Which cats are coming back for the upcoming season? Keep reading to know more about the show.
Love, Death & Robots Plot and Cast
Since Love, Death & Robots is an anthology series, there’s no way of knowing what the new episodes will entail just yet. We’ll have a better idea once a trailer drops, most likely a couple of months before the season is released.
It’s safe to assume that the series will continue to take inspiration from several short stories, many of which focus on a range of adult themes, such as heavy violence, sexuality, and murderous vacuum cleaners. The name of the series is a bit of a giveaway, to be honest. With Philip Gelatt, who writes many of the episode scripts, likely to return for the fourth season, we can expect the new shorts to maintain the same feel.
The expected cast members include Scott Whyte as Future Nazi, Nolan North as Detective Briggs, Steven Pacey as Railman, Emily O’Brien as Eve, Fred Tatasciore as Creature, Matthew Yang King as Adult Liang, Michelle C. Bonilla as Commander, and Chris Cox as Bob.
Love, Death & Robots Season 4 Release Date
Netflix is yet to share a more specific release date, but since the first two seasons arrived in late spring, the same may happen for Season 4. The number of episodes for the new season is also not confirmed, as it was different in the first two seasons.
Love, Death & Robots is produced by Blur Studio and Netflix Studios. Further details related to the fourth season are expected to be revealed soon.
Love, Death & Robots Season 4 Trailer
No, there is no trailer or teaser available for the upcoming season since it has been renewed recently. Until then, watch out for the trailer of the previous season below: