Love Life is an upcoming American romantic comedy anthology series created by Sam Boyd, the production is been handle by Fiegco Entertainment and Lionsgate Television, which is all set to premiere on the streaming application HBO Max on 27 May 2020 starring the Pitch Perfect star, Anna Kendrick.
The plot of the series
The plot of the rom-com show Love Life hasn’t been revealed yet but the people from the project disclose that the series will follow the different people in each and every season from their first-ever romance to last romance. The series will portray the sentiments and satire while finding love at the best with the new story and character every season. In Love Life, Anna Kendrick is playing the role of Darby who spends her time finding the one for her and dealing with people who point out that her name is funny.
The trailer of the series
HBO dropped the trailer of the show recently, and here it enjoys watching.
The cast of HBO Max’s ‘Love Life’ features Anna Kendrick as Darby, Zoe Chao as Sara, Sasha Compere as Malory, Peter Vack as Jim, Lesley Manville, and Scoot McNairy as Bradley.
Release Date
Love Life began its production in May 2019 and was about to release in August 2020 but HBO announced the official release the date of the series which is 27 May 2020. Unlike all the other shows which are delaying their release date because of the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19, this one brought forward its release date for the fans instead of postponing it. Are y’all excited about this new romantic comedy this summer?