Created by Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger, inspired by and set in the same world as the 2018 film Love, Simon, “Love, Victor” is an American teen comedy-drama streaming television series starring Michael Cimino, along with George Sear, Rachel Hilson, Bebe Wood, Anthony Turpel, Isabella Ferreira, Ana Ortiz, James Martinez, Mason Gooding, and Mateo Fernandez and follows a teen from a half Puerto Rican, half Colombian-American family living in Atlanta, the first season of which was released on June 17, 2020.
Nick Robinson, who starred as the titular Simon in the original film, produces and narrates the series.
Season two premiered on Friday, June 11, 2021, on Hulu.
Set in the world of the original 2018 film “Love, Simon,” the series follows Victor, a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation. When it all seems too much, he reaches out to Simon to help him navigate the ups and downs of high school.
Where can I watch “Love, Victor”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Hulu.