Made in the Abyss is a Japanese manga television series created by Akihito Tsukushi, adapted and directed by Kinema Citrus. The first season of Made in the Abyss was premiered from July 7 to September 29, 2017. A sequel movie of the manga series was also released titled, ‘Made in the Abyss: Dawn of the deep soul’ in Japan on January 17, 2020, and in the US on April 11, 2020. Here is the trailer of the movie, if you’ve not seen it already.
The series follows the enchanting adventures of a woman named, Riko who resides in the small town of Orth and it’s her journey to find her long-lost mother. Meanwhile, she encounters with a computerized humanoid Reg and becomes acquainted with him, and their journey together continues. In the next season, the adventures of Riko will continue, and she will try to find her mother along with her friend Reg. No official revealing has been done by the producers about the plot of the upcoming season.
The cast of Made in Abyss season two are as follows Monica Rial, Samantha Stevens, Lisa Villegas, Miyu Tomoto, and Toshiyuki Morikawa.
Release Date
The first season of Made in the Abyss was loved by people globally. The show has an incredible rating on IMDb which is 7.5. The second season of the show will come out at some point in 2020. There is no official announcement of the release date of the new installation of Made in the Abyss, but fans are sure there will be another season as the season one ended on the note of ‘to be continued’. So, are y’all excited about the new season? Look out for more information about Made in the Abyss here.