Lifetime Network original show Marrying Millions released its season two in August 2020. The show follows the lives of six couples who are put on trial by their friends and family. The show has the perfect blend of glamour, money and luxury.
The show was made to cater to the audience of the United States of America. The show is known to cover some of the lavish locations of the world. A lot along the lines of The Real Housewives Series this show too, dwells on the personal conflict and matters of these couples.
The plot of the show:
The six couples picked for this series are well established and affluent personalities. The show throws light on the personal conflict and clashes they face. The acceptance issues, the struggles of fitting in the status quo and being eligible to be called for Elite and high profile events.
Marrying Millions also covers the rifts between family members and the struggle of marrying someone who is not from a high profile family background. There is a whole lot of gossip, drama and frustration which has been covered from a dramatic and televised angle.
One of the most significant feature of this show is that it portrays everyone in their natural light. There is no sugar coating or cover up to any of the cast members personality.
Trailer and Release Date of the show:
The show released its season two on 5th August 2020. The second season will have 16 episodes. So far only 3 episodes have been aired, the fourth episode will be aired on 26th August 2020. The season one of the show had made its debut on 10th July 2019.
Here is the trailer for season 2:
The cast of the show:
The following people have been cast as the six couples, Sean Lourdes and Megan Thomas Lourdes, Shawn Isaac and Kate London. Gentille Chhun and Brian Blu, Drew Gemma and Rosie Marin, Bill Hutchinson and Brianna Ramirez along with Katie Hamilton and Kolton Pierce.
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