Created by Aziz Ansari and Alan Yang, “Master of None” is an American comedy-drama television series starring Ansari in the lead role of Dev Shah, a 30-year-old actor, mostly following his romantic, professional, and personal experiences, that was first released on November 6, 2015.
Dev is a 30-year-old actor, living in New York City. His life goes by in a humorous, yet meaningful sequence of events. Everything he does is usually related to hanging out with his three friends, finding a relationship, or getting ahead in his career.
The latest season premiered on Sunday, May 23, 2021, on Netflix.
Denise and her wife, Alicia, take center stage this season, grappling with doubts and heartache when a rift emerges in their happy marriage.
The Emmy Award-winning MASTER OF NONE returns with a new season that chronicles the relationship of Denise and her partner Alicia. This new season is a modern love story that intimately illustrates the ups and downs of marriage, struggles with fertility, and personal growth both together and apart. Fleeting romantic highs meet crushing personal losses while existential questions of love and living are raised. Season 3 delivers an evolution of the series that remains tethered to previous seasons while breaking new storytelling ground of its own.
Where can I watch “Master of None”?
Exclusively available for streaming on Netflix.