Created by Esta Spalding and Michelle Ashford, Mayfair Witches is an American supernatural thriller drama television series. The show is based on the novel trilogy Lives of the Mayfair Witches by Rice. The executive producers of the show include Michael Uppendahl, Anne Rice, Christopher Rice, Jeff Freilich, Mark Johnson, Michelle Ashford, and Esta Spalding.
Gran Via Productions, Round Two Productions, Pail Eyes Pictures, and AMC Studios are the production companies involved with the show. The first season debuted in January 2023 and later got renewed for a second season. The second season is soon coming on AMC.
So, when the second season is coming out? Who has been cast in the key characters? What is the storyline? Is there any trailer available for the second season? Keep reading to know the further details.
Mayfair Witches Plot and Cast
As of the article writing, the developers have not revealed much about the storyline of the second season. However, we can expect Mayfair Witches Season 2 to pick up the story from where it left off in the first season.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Alexandra Daddario as Rowan Fielding, Jack Huston as Lasher, Tongayi Chirisa as Ciprien Grieve, Harry Hamlin as Cortland Mayfair, Beth Grant as Carlotta Mayfair, Annabeth Gish as Deirdre Mayfair, Erica Gimpel as Elena Fielding, Geraldine Singer as Millie Mayfair, Hannah Alline as Suzanne, Ravi Naidu as Samir, and many more are there.
Mayfair Witches Season 2 Release date
The show’s first season was released on January 8, 2023, and concluded on February 26, 2023. Mayfair Witches Season 1 consisted of eight episodes in total.
In February 2023, the makers renewed the show for a second season. Although, the official release date is yet to be confirmed. We can expect the second season to have the same number of episodes as the first season.
Mayfair Witches Season 2 Trailer
Unfortunately, no trailer is available for the upcoming season since the release date has not been confirmed.