“Millennials” is a new light-hearted original comedy centered on the lives of four 20-something roommates and their neighbors across the hall; as they navigate the chaos of being young and finding success, and themselves, in the city of angels that premiered on Thursday, February 26, 2021, on ALLBLK.
Starring Kyle Massey as Omar, Keraun Harris as Jaheem, Philip Bolden as Travis, Aaron Grady as Todd, and Teresa Celeste as Mercedes. The first season of the series comes with six episodes.
Stepping into the real world, finding the dream jobs, finding true independence for the first time, and also having to navigate all the different parts of life on their own. How will these millennials be different from others? or is it all the same?
Omar is a straight-laced business student with dreams of taking over the corporate world, urging his goofball friends Jaheem, a personal trainer; Travis an insecure YouTuber; and college dropout Todd to get their acts together.
Balancing these bumbling newbies is their hardworking neighbor Mercedes, an aspiring actress from Atlanta who often serves as the only voice of reason for the guys.
Where can I stream “Millennials”?
The show is available for streaming on ALLBLK, Prime Video (Free Trial), and few other popular networks.