Monster Musume, The Japanese manga series that have been written by okayado is a Japanese show, that had its debut in 2015, being among the top shows in the audience list and having its own wave of funny and as well as sarcastic humor. It is published in Japan by Tokuma Shoten in their Monthly Comic Ryū magazine and also by Seven Seas Entertainment in the United States, with all the chapters collected and have been reprinted into fifteen tankōbon volumes up to till date.
Monster Musume revolves around The character of Kimihito Kurusu, who is a Japanese student whose life is thrown into turmoil after she accidentally becomes involved with the “Interspecies Cultural Exchange” program at her institution
The story talks about how the Japanese government had kept mythical creatures such as centaurs, mermaids, harpies, and lamias a secret from the world, Three years before the main start of the story, the government had revealed the existence of these creatures and also passed the “Interspecies Cultural Exchange Act”. so those creatures became a part of human lives and began to live with ordinary families like foreign exchange students, but alongside restrictions such as the inability or the prohibition to procreate.
It is licensed by Sentai Filmworks under the title being Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls.
Monster Musume Season 2 Release date
Monster Musume has been renewed for season 2. But there are no official updates regarding its release dates. On the eighteenth of July, this year Comic Ryū blog announced a novel adaptation that was titled Monster Musume – Monster Girl・Hello Walk, alongside Yoshino Origuchi, who is the author of Monster Girl Doctor, and as the writer. It is set to be published on August 29, 2020.
Monster Musume: What the show is?
The show generally witnesses Japanese mythological characters. The narrative of the series is somehow different. It reveals and talks about different types of interspecies change, such humans like us have a chance to interest in them. The anime centers a girl who accidentally gets trapped in this interspecies exchange. And stuck among one of them. To know more about the plot of season two trailer is available officially on different platforms.
Also see: Yoshinori Ono announced that he’s leaving Capcom!