Mr Inbetween is a black comedy crime-drama television series on FX. The Australian series premiered in the US on September 25, 2018. The first season of Mr Inbetween had six episodes. The series was renewed for a second season in October 2018, and premiered in September 2019, consisting of 11 episodes. Mr Inbetween is created and written by Scott Ryan, and directed by Nash Edgerton. Ryan and Edgerton also serve as executive producers on the series, alongside Jason Burrows.
Mr Inbetween is a serialization of the 2005 film, The Magician. The premise of the show is this-
“Ray Shoesmith is a hitman for hire who makes a life out of balancing his criminal activities with his obligations to friends and family. He tries to be a father to Brittany, his daughter with his ex-wife, Jacinta, a loving boyfriend to Ally, and a good caretaker to his sick brother Bruce. Ray also covers for his friend Gary when needed, and follows his boss Freddy’s orders without question. Ray deals with criminals and monsters in his own violent way; this behavior, however, starts to take its toll and affects his relationships.”
Mr Inbetween was renewed for a third season in May 2020.
Cast of Mr Inbetween Season 3
The main cast from the second season of Mr Inbetween are all expected to reprise their roles in season 3. This includes Scott Ryan as Ray Shoesmith, Justin Rosniak as Ray’s best friend Gary, Brooke Satchwell as Ray’s girlfriend Ally, Nicholas Cassim as Ray’s older brother Bruce, Chika Yasumura as Ray’s daughter Brittany, Damon Herriman as Ray’s boss Freddy, Natalie Tran as Ray’s ex-wife Jacinta, Matt Nable as Dave, and Ben Oxenbould as Dirk.
Premiere Date of Mr Inbetween Season 3
The series was renewed for a third season on May 26, 2020. Although the first two seasons have both debuted in the month of September, it might not be the case this year, courtesy of the coronavirus pandemic. Filming of all television shows across all networks, whether scripted or unscripted, has been affected by the pandemic. There has been no official release date announced for the third season of Mr Inbetween yet, but we can expect it sometime in early 2021.