Created by James Dormer for Disney+, Nautilus is an upcoming British adventure drama television series. The executive producers of the show include Xavier Marchand, Anand Tucker, James Dormer, Johanna Devereaux, and Chris Loveall. Moonriver TV and Seven Stories are the production companies involved with the show. The upcoming show stars some very popular and well-known personalities from the entertainment industry like Shazad Latif, Georgia Flood, Thierry Frémont, and many more are there.
So, when the upcoming show is coming out? What is the storyline? Who has been cast in the lead roles? Is there any trailer available for the upcoming show? Keep reading to know further details.
Nautilus Plot and Cast
As of now, there are no details available regarding the storyline of Nautilus. So, it is hard to predict any certain plot at this moment. We can expect to come out with the unrevealed information in a few days since the filming has recently wrapped up.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Shazad Latif as Captain Nemo, Thierry Frémont as Gustave Benoit, Georgia Flood as Humility Lucas, Pacharo Mzembe as Boniface, Arlo Green as Turan, Ling Cooper Tang as Suyin, Andrew Shaw as Jiacomo, Tyrone Ngatai as Kai, Chum Ehelepola as Jagadish, Céline Menville as Loti, Ashan Kumar as Ranbir, Kayden Price as Blaster, Damien Garvey as Director Crawley, Richard E. Grant as the leader of Karajaan, Muki Zubis as Casamir, Benedict Hardie as Cuff, Jacob Collins-Levy as Captain Youngblood, and Luke Arnold as Captain Billy Millais.
Nautilus Release Date
It was announced in August 2021 that Disney+ had ordered Nautilus, which is a ten-part television series about the origin of Captain Nemo and his submarine, the Nautilus.
The filming for the show has begun in mid-February 2022 at Village Roadshow Studios in Gold Coast, Queensland, and wrapped up in January 2023. The upcoming show is expected to come out in the fall of 2023.
Nautilus Trailer
Unfortunately, there is no trailer or teaser available for the upcoming show since the filming has recently wrapped up. We can expect to have the trailer in the fall of 2023 or maybe in 2024.
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.