Hello, Readers! As Halloween approaches, Netflix has released Nightbooks, a new horror film inspired by Hansel and Gretel. The upcoming film is based on J. A. White’s novel of the same name, and it follows two children who are forced to serve a powerful witch.
When it comes to horror and fantasy films, Netflix is killing it. Even if most people aren’t quite ready to say goodbye to summer in favor of the cool autumn air, Netflix is getting us ready for the Halloween season.
Flickering lights, spooky stories, magic, a creepy witch, and lots of jumps scares abound in this film. This looks like a terrific way to start the Netflix Halloween season. Sam Raimi, Romel Adam, Mason Novick, and Michelle Knudsen produced the film, which was directed by David Yarovesky (Brightburn).
Nightbooks: Release Date
On September 15, 2021, Netflix will premiere the horror fantasy Nightbooks.
Nightbooks: Official Trailer
The official trailer is shown below, and it reveals all of the apartment’s enchantment. The two kids put their lives on the line to stay alive, while Alex tries to entertain the witch with horrific stories.
The Plot of the Movie
In the film, Alex (Fegley) is transported to an apartment where he is held captive by an evil witch (Ritter), who demands that he create a scary narrative every day or she will murder him. He meets Yasmin (Jewett), another prisoner, and the two strive to survive whatever they come across in the enchanted flat.
The official Netflix synopsis that when Alex (Winslow Fegley), a boy obsessed with scary stories, is trapped by an evil witch (Krysten Ritter) in her magical apartment and must tell a scary story every night to stay alive, he teams up with another prisoner, Yasmin (Lidya Jewett), to find a way to escape.
Winslow Fegley, Lidya Jewett, and Krysten Ritter, who recently appeared in the blockbuster Netflix original series Marvel’s Jessica Jones, play the three major protagonists. Khiyla Aynne, Jess Brown, Luxton Handspiker, Miley Haik, Liam Couvion, Taylor Belle, and Eden Gjoka are among the cast members.