Nomadland is an upcoming drama film that is based on a book written by Jessica Bruder. The title of the book is Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century. The movie features a woman who travels around the American Midwest after quitting her small town. It premiered at the Venice Film Festival on September 11, 2020, and won the Golden Lion award! Is it worth watching? What happens in the movie? Keep reading to find out more!
Nomadland: Plot and Cast
Fern, the main female protagonist of the story, decides to travel all across the Midwestern United States. She leaves her little company town in rural Nevada because of an economic collapse. She packs up her entire life into a van and travels around as a present-day modern nomad. Fern is played by Frances McDormand.
The movie also features Fern’s nomadic mentors such as Linda May, Charlene Swankie, and Bob Wells. All of these people are real people and play themselves in the movie. The movie runs along the same theme as the book and shows people who are adversely affected due to economic situations. In the book, this is mostly due to the Great Recession in America and affects older generations.
Many people in their 60s and 70s got suddenly laid off due to downsizing and other reasons during the Great Recession. The movie follows Fern through a similar journey. Lincoln and Jason Bourne series star David Strathairn also plays himself in the movie.
Nomadland: Release Date and Trailer
Although Nomadland first premiered at the Venice Film Festival in September 2020, it is to be officially released on December 4, 2020. This is the third feature film for Chloé Zhao, director and screenwriter of the movie. The film will also screen at the New York Film Festival and will be distributed by Searchlight Pictures.