Rumors and leaks of the upcoming OnePlus 7 smartphone have been churning online for quite a while now. While the next-gen OnePlus launch is on the verge, a new set of leaks confirm that there will be more than one variant this time – OnePlus 7 Pro. OnePlus 7 Pro has been spotted on Weibo which reveals the design of the device and some specifications as well. The leaked photos of the impending OnePlus 7 smartphone have appeared on Weibo. The first image shows that the device will boast with a curved OLED display while the second image has revealed its key specifications.
OnePlus 7 Pro: Specifications and Model numbers
The leaked image of the OnePlus 7 Pro demonstrates that the phone will sport an edge display, just like the one found on the Galaxy S10+. Previous leaks also suggest that the device will come equipped with the pop-up front-facing cameras. There is no information about the rear cameras. Although the pop-up front-facing camera is not visible in the newly leaked photo, the existence of a notch-less display is a strong suggestion that it will probably come equipped with it. Just like the OnePlus 6T, the OnePlus 7 might carry an in-display fingerprint sensor.
A second image exposes specifications of the OnePlus 7 Pro. The leak reveals that the device will feature a 6.67-inch Optic-AMOLED panel. The device is powered by the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 processor coupled with 8GB RAM and 256GB of internal storage. Conferring to the previous leaks, the OnePlus 7 carries a triple rear camera arrangement on the back. The primary unit is a 48-megapixel sensor, there are a 16MP unit and 8MP unit for wide angle support. Both the upcoming OnePlus devices are rumored to be running on Oxygen OS Pie.
OnePlus 7 is rumored to come in three variants – OnePlus 7, OnePlus 7 Pro and OnePlus 7 Pro 5G. The model numbers for the three variants are mentioned below:
OnePlus 7 – GM1901, GM1903, GM1905
OnePlus 7 Pro – GM1911, GM1913, GM1915 and GM1917
OnePlus 7 5G – GM1920
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