Thriller drama based on a group that is determined to resolve a mystery, there’s a rival teenage group who are just simply determined to deviate the protagonist’s group. Season 1 was released on 15th April and is now streaming on Netflix. This adventuresome drama has bagged a lot of favorable reviews from the critics, and not just that it has a growing viewership. Now, the fans are curious about the future of this series online.
Will there be a Season 2 or is it canceled? Here you go with all the intricate details.
Is Outer Bank Season 2 Cancelled for Future Seasons?
The first season of the series was released almost a month ago, and with it’s growing viewership, the most asked and obvious question is will there be further seasons or not. But, for your information, there’s been no such updates regarding the renewal of Season 2. Though, it’s too early to assume that it’s canceled. It is expected that this drama may be renewed by them after it’s viewership would reach a specific number.
A recap of Season 1
With a total of 10 episodes, Outer Banks Season 1 is totally binge-worthy. It has been produced by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate, and Shannon Burke. The story begins by a rather charismatic narrator, John B ( Chase Stokes), giving the lay of the land through voiceover. In the first episode, John B, Pope, and Kiara find a sunken wreck and plunge headlong into danger and adventure, after a hurricane. What we see next is John B is convinced that the clue found onboard the boat connects to his missing father and leads his friends on an increasingly frantic search for answers. Then as the gang hatches a clandestine plan to get to the bottom of the deep-sea mystery, John B confronts Sarah while Pope jumps at the chance for revenge. Followed by this is spy games where John B receives well-timed assistance from an unlikely person. It ends with the captain informing the Pogues that he’s headed to the Bahamas and the next stop Nassau! And boom. End.