Created by Soo Hugh, Pachinko is a drama series made for Apple TV+. It is based on the novel of the same name by Manhattan-based author and journalist Min Jin Lee. Hugh is also the executive producer alongside Michael Ellenberg, Lindsey Springer, Theresa Kang-Lowe, Richard Middleton, Kogonada, and Justin Chon.
The first season of Pachinko premiered on March 25, 2022, and received positive reviews from critics and audiences. It currently holds an approval rating of 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. Looking at the positive feedback, the makers have already renewed the series for a second season, which is scheduled to premiere soon.
So, when is the second season releasing? What is the storyline? Who will come back to play their roles? Continue reading to know more.
Pachinko Plot and Cast
The first season of Pachinko ended with Sunja finding some independence as a kimchi seller in the marketplace. This will keep her family going until her husband returns from prison, assuming that he is even released.
Those who have read the novel know what’s coming next as the series has been a faithful adaptation. The introduction of new characters like Naomi suggests that unexpected elements would continue to take even longtime readers by surprise in the new season.
Coming to the cast, all the leads of Season 1 should come back to play their respective roles in Season 2. This includes Youn Yuh-Jung, Soji Arai, Jin Ha, Han Jun-woo, Jeong In-Ji, Jung Eun0chae, Lee Min-ho, Kaho Minami, Steve Sanghyun Noh, Anna Sawai, and Jimmi Simpson.
Pachinko Season 2 Release Date
The Apple TV+ drama Pachinko has been renewed for a second season after gaining strong popularity throughout its first. But the makers of the series have not confirmed any release date yet. The first season premiered on 25th March, and we should expect a second season in 2023.
The upcoming season might consist of eight episodes like the first season. Further details about Pachinko Season 2 are expected to be revealed soon by the makers.
Pachinko Season 2 Trailer
The developers have not released a trailer for Pachinko Season 2. Until it comes out, you can check the trailer of Season 1 below: