THE GOOD FIGHT Created by Robert King, Michelle King, and Phil Alden Robinson—is a spin-off and sequel to The Good Wife, “The Good Fight” is an American legal television series that follows Christine Baranski as Diane...
IN THE DARK Created by Corinne Kingsbury, starring Perry Mattfeld, Brooke Markham, and Morgan Krantz, “In The Dark” is an American crime drama television series that...
What is the show about? Is it worth watching? When is it releasing? Let us find out about Mr. Corman: Official Release Date, Preview, Cast and...
TOO HOT TO HANDLE Created by Laura Gibson and Charlie Bennett, and hosted by a virtual assistant named Lana, “Too Hot to Handle” is an American-British reality...
Hello, Readers! Summer of Soul, the documentary feature debut of music maestro Questlove, was one of the biggest sensations to emerge from the 2021 Sundance Film...
Good day, Readers! This summer, the babies are back in action! Tim and Ted Templeton’s story will be continued in The Boss Baby: Family Business. The...
All women have the superpower to multi-task and make it looks easy. But some take it a notch further. For Sharon Terry, better known as Champagne,...
THIS IS POP An investigative peek into the music industry, “This is Pop” is a Canadian eight-episode docuseries, each episode of which will delve deep into...
MOTHERLAND: FORT SALEM Created by Eliot Laurence, “Motherland: Fort Salem” is an American supernatural drama television series starring Taylor Hickson as Raelle Collar, Jessica Sutton as Tally Craven, and...
DAVID MAKES MAN Created by Tarell Alvin McCraney, starring Akili McDowell, Alana Arenas, Isaiah Johnson, Ade Chike Torbert, and Travis Coles, “David Makes Man” is an...