Peaky Blinders, the famous British crime drama television series set in Birmingham, England is due for its sixth season and fans all over the globe are eagerly waiting for it. The film is set in the period following the first world war after the Shelby boys return from the war. The Shelby family has established horse betting operations in their locality in Small Heath, Birmingham. Peaky Blinders also portrays the problem men faced after returning from the war in I absence of proper mental treatment. TThe series captures the growing ambition of their leader Tommy Shelby as their business empire grows season by season. The Shelby family stands with him together to help him achieve his ever-increasing goals.
The fifth season ended in a tragedy for the Shelby family. Their plan to assassinate Ostwald Mosley ( shown as a supporter of British fascism) was foiled. Even Aberama Gold is killed and the Shelby family has no clue about their new enemy.
The cast of Peaky Blinder includes Cillian Murphy, Helen McCrory, Paul Anderson, Annabelle Wallis, Joe Cole, Sophie Rundle, Charlotte Riley, Natasha O’Keeffe, Benjamin Zephaniah.
The fifth season started with Tommy Shelby wanting to legitimize their family company and personally gaining respect in the parliament. Another MP Ostwald Mosley extends the offer to join the party of British fascists. Tommy agrees to join him but prepares to spy on him. The fifth season ended in a tragedy for the Shelby family. Their plan to assassinate Ostwald Mosley was foiled. Even Aberama Gold is killed and the Shelby family has no clue about their new enemy.
The shooting for the sixth season of Peaky Blinder was about to start when the entertainment industry was brought to a standstill by coronavirus pandemic. The exact release date is very hard to predict for now . The shooting can only start only when the lockdown is lifted and things become normal.