Penny Dreadful: City of Angels is an American fantasy TV show that exclusively appears on Showtime. It was created by John Logan as a spinoff to the Penny Dreadful series and premiered on April 26, 2020. It is a dark fantasy show, similar to its predecessor and has elements of horror as well. When will the second season come out? Is it worth watching? What should we look forward to when watching the show? Read more to find out!
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: Cast and Plot
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels is set in Los Angeles and Hollywood in the late 1930s, about half a century after the original series was set. The world suffered from the rise of Nazism at the time and Mexican folklore tensions are at an all time high due to certain characters. The Mexican deity, Santa Muerte, who is the goddess of the dead, battles with her sister, Magda, who wishes to destroy humanity.
The show features the detective Tiago Vega, who is the first Mexican detective in the Los Angeles Police Department. He and his partner, Detective Lewis Michener, who is also a veteran, try to solve a horrible murder case that increases racial tensions. This is because the deaths of the Hazlett family seem to directly involve Mexicans.
As Detective Vega and his partner try to solve the case, they discover a whole new world where goddesses and their impacts on daily human life are real. The show also highlights tensions that Chicanos face living in America, where the culture tends to favor whiteness.
The cast is a stellar one and includes Daniel Zovatto as Tiago Vega, Natalie Dormer as Magda, and Nathan Lane as Detective Michener. It also features Rory Kinnear, from Black Mirror, as a German pediatrician, who is secretly from a family that deals in weaponry.
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels Season 2: Release Date
The first season of Penny Dreadful: City of Angels came out recently in April 2020. However, the show was soon cancelled after only ten episodes. We enjoyed seeing Daniel Zovatto play a cynic in the form of Tiago Vega! We hope we will soon see him play other roles!
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: Trailer