
Rain Dog: Release Date, Cast, and more!

Created by Sid Gentle Film Ltd, Rain Dog is an upcoming dark comedy series. The basic premise of the show follows a single mum fighting for a better life for her child. The upcoming show has directed by Richard Laxton and Jennifer Perrott. The executive producers of the show include Cash Carraway, Jo McClellan, Lee Morris, and Sally Woodward Gentle. The upcoming show is soon arriving on HBO.

So, when the upcoming show is coming out? What is the storyline? Who has been cast in the key characters? Is there any trailer or teaser available for the upcoming show? Keep reading to know further details.

Rain Dog Plot and Cast

The basic premise of the show will revolve around a single mother who was born into a middle-class family and love that lifestyle but she wants to give her daughter a better lifestyle than her.

Coming to the cast members, it includes Emily Fairn, Alice Haig, Joshua Parris, Reid Anderson, Deana Taheri, Tobias Jowett, James Ashton, Daniel Phung, Jack Farthing, Daisy May Cooper, Ronke Adekoluejo, and Fleur Tashjiian.

Rain Dog Release Date

At this moment there is no specific date disclosed for the release date of the upcoming show since filming has just begun. It will definitely take a long while to arrive at the show on the streaming platforms as per the production schedule.

The other information including the episode number and run time for each episode is yet to be disclosed by the team. The unrevealed information will surely take some time to come out since the filming has not wrapped up so far.

Rain Dog Trailer

As of the article writing, there is no trailer or teaser available for the upcoming show since the show is still in progress. However, the makers have recently revealed the first look of pictures of Daisy May Cooper as Costello.

Priyanka Nath

A simple girl from Guwahati Assam........ Love and care for all those who do the same for me..... Overall, a true and good friend for everyone. Obviously, family and closest friends are my top priority. Love to keep everyone happy and bring a smile in the faces of those who go through bad phases. Exploring the world of Content Writing to remain updated about all the happenings around the world.

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