The American superhero drama series Raising Dion, based on the 2015 comic book and a short film of the same name by Dennis Liu, is up for its second season and was renewed in the month of January this year. Even though family and superhero drama do not come together, but Raising Dion did the impossible. The nine episodes long series had been a part of conversations since October 5, 2017. Carol Barbee adapted the screenplay from the short film and comic and is the showrunner for the series. Executive producers include Liu, Barbee, Michael B. Jordan, Charles D. King, Kim Roth, Poppy Hanks, Kenny Goodman, and Michael Green.
The official description of Raising Dion on Netflix is as follows, “A widowed mom sets out to solve the mystery surrounding her young son’s emerging superpowers while keeping his extraordinary gifts under wraps.” The protagonist, Nicole, discovers the unnatural superpowers of her son, Dion, after the death of her husband, and highlights perfectly the issues and problems faced by every single parent out there. Nicole finds it hard to control and hide the secrets of her son when he started to manifest his super-powers. It is a greedy world, and a mother must save her son from the antagonists of society. Young’s Dion is an adorable eight-year-old, a gifted boy with an affinity for superheroes and science. This affinity becomes his challenging reality as he begins to develop the mysterious abilities, making his life difficult as he enters a new school and deals with the trauma of losing his father when he needed him the most.
Raising Dion stars Alisha Wainwright as Nicole, Ja’Siah Young as Dion, Jazmyn Simon as Kat, Sammi Haney as Esperanza, and Jason Ritter as Pat. Carol Barbee is set to return as showrunner for the second season which will include eight one-hour episodes. Michael B. Jordan, who also appeared in the first season will return as executive producer alongside Kenny Goodman, Kim Roth, Dennis Liu, and Charles D. King’s MACRO. Production will begin this year.